5 reasons you need ceramic coating for your car

A ceramic coating, like Arctic Coating, is a first line of defense against harmful dirt and grime, road salt, bird droppings and UV rays.

A ceramic coating, like Arctic Coating, is a first line of defense against harmful dirt and grime, road salt, bird droppings and UV rays.

There are many good reasons to have your car paint protected, but it can be hard to navigate the jungle of alternatives and recommendations on forums, and from friends and family. Some say you should go for wax, others suggest using a paint sealant and some even suggest wrapping the whole car in vinyl wrap or a paint protection film.

Then there are people talking about ceramic coatings and its many advantages, but what is a ceramic coating really, and what are these advantages? We have made a list of the top 5 reasons why opting for a ceramic coating may be your smartest move.

  1. A ceramic coating, like Arctic Coating, creates a fully transparent barrier between the actual paint itself and the outer elements. It will serve as a first line of defense against harmful dirt and grime, road salt, bird droppings, UV rays and more.

  2. Because of its meticulous designed structure at a nano level, it is harder for liquids and dirt to stick to the surface. Much like a teflon cooking pan or a lotus plant, it repels both water and a lot of dust and grime. We call this “hydrophobic” properties. This also makes it easier to keep your car clean, and harder for bugs and dirt to stick to it.

  3. It is the most durable option available. If we exclude paint protection film (PPF) which is a way more expensive, a ceramic coating is the most protective option. With normal maintenance and mileage it will outperform any waxes or sealants in terms of longevity and protection.

  4. Your car will look very good after having a ceramic coating applied. It will add depth to your paint making it appear very glossy.

  5. You don’t have to worry about your cleaning chemicals being too strong, there is not much you can use that will cause damage. A coated car also requires less use of chemicals and the cleaning time will be drastically lowered.

Are interested in learning more? Learn about our coatings and our cleaning products.

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